Practical advice for Indoor Swimmers

Do you frequently swim train indoors?

Here are some tips to limit the adverse effects of chlorine on your skin and sinuses.

Daniel Bell (AUS) action reflections Swimming 2000 Sydney PG

Do you suffer the chlorine?

The chlorine in swimming pools can be a real hazard to sanity and a trouble maker to health. ‘Issues’ can run from the itchy scratchies from dry and chlorine irritated skin and bothered sinuses to chlorine allergy, chronic sinus problems, asthma, breathing problems, or chest infections.

For some chlorine, a halogen on the periodic table, can have a negative impact on iodine status and thyroid health. This is a more serious topic that I will not be discussing in this post. If you are concerned please private email me.

If you are pregnant, planning to be pregnant, or suffering with thyroid or chronic health problems it may be best to discuss with a health practitioner ‘in the know’ the impact that chlorine may potentially have on your health.

I don’t recommend ‘just taking’ iodine as it is important to determine your need and optimise your dose and also to determine other individual and specific needs. I will aim to get a blog up on this topic and protecting yourself from the negative effects of chlorine on health and thyroid specifically.

It is always best when you can to get out swimming in the open waters.

However be warned that some inland waterways also come with bacterial, algal, or agricultural effluent problems or worse still sewage issues. KNOW where you are swimming and above all pay heed to safety!

Unlikely in Lough Derg!
Unlikely in Lough Derg!

See here for some tips:

Protect your skin – preparation


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